About jfolschinsky

Jeff Folschinsky, who is originally from Houston, Texas, now resides in Los Angeles, California. His plays have been seen at various theaters across the country. He is also creator and staff writer for Perilous, a late night soap opera spoof at the Eclectic Company Theater in North Hollywood, California. Jeff’s play “The Unsinkable Bismarck” and “A Pill By Any Other Name Is The Wrong Dosage” are both published by One Act Play Depot. Also his play he co-wrote with Tyler Tanner “The Singing Bone” is published by JAC Publishing.

Two Of My Plays Being Performed

I’ve got a lot of cool things happening this weekend. One of which is two of my short plays “Hell Of A Thing” and “Broken” are being performed by Force Of Nature Productions as part of their No Small Parts show. If you’re in the LA area you should check it out. I’m lumped in with some really great playwrights.


6 Performances

Fridays & Saturdays

April 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20


Brickhouse Theatre

10950 Peach Grove Street

North Hollywood, CA 91601

Tickets $24.

Available in advance at fonprods.tix.com

Hell, Incorporated is Now Available

NEW RELEASE: Jeff Folschinsky’s dark humor novella is now available in Paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited. It’s time to clock in to Hell \m/
The Evil Cookie Publishing
Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1QG9N5

SYNOPSIS: It’s Max’s first day on the job, and let me tell you, he’s having one heck of a day. It’s not so much his boss can’t remember his name or mysterious people in black robes want to kill him. No, what really got him concerned was when he found out he was working for Hell. Not only that, but the world could be coming to an end if he and his boss don’t find out what happened to a demon who disappeared after an unconventional exorcism. First days at work are always hell, but who knew that could be taken literally?

Jump into the second book of the Mystery Spot Museum and Burrito Emporium universe in this sort of but not really sequel to Mr. Jacobs vs. The Demonic Clowns from the Great Beyond.

Creature From The Book Lagoon Gave Mr. Jacobs 4 out 5 Murder Bunnies

Got a really nice review from Creature From The Book Lagoon. 4 our of 5 Murder Bunnies rating.

“The whole book is like a zany carnival ride! I really enjoyed my time in this world and the end left me craving more!” Reviewed by Aimee Morrison – Creature of the Book Lagoon

My Frankenstein Inpsire Plays is on Youtube

Last year Force Of Nature Productions asked me to write a spooky short play inspired by the Frankenstein story. Its first performance was at the Midsummer Scream Horror Convention as part of its live entertainment collection. The play was remounted with a collection of other short plays inspired by the classic movie monsters.

They just recently released the video of the evening on Youtube.